Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Why Is Tyler Perry famous

This is a question I would love someone to answer for me.

Sam and I just watched "The Family That Preys" and I have finally concluded that I'm done with this man and his movies. I HATE Tyler Perry movies. You may ask why I keep watching them? I'm secretly wondering the same thing. I think I just want to see if he'll ever change the plot.

Well in "The Family That Preys" he finally did change the plot a little. Instead of the women being verbally abused or physically abused this time it was a man. A weak dumb pathetic man. I'm going to list the dumb parts of this movie and if you haven't seen it then don't read because I'm going to tell the movie below:

First the dumb thing is Sanaa Lathan's part. She plays the rich wife who is mean to her husband for no reason. The movie never does really explain why she was so mean to him. She was very unsupportive and just plain stupid, she actually makes us black women look horrible. I'm disgusted she took this part. I'm not a fan of hers because I've seen her in other degrading roles, why she doesn't turn these roles down is beyond me. She was cheating on her husband with a rich man whose mom owned the company she worked for.

She played a financial analyst that made only $65,000 a year. Tyler Perry didn't do his research for this movie though. In Sanaa's position she sat in meetings with the COO of the company...an analyst that has such influence to sit in meetings with the COO doesn't only make $65,000 a year. She'd make a lot more than that.

Her husband whom she constantly disrespected was a construction worker for the same company. His dream was to start his own construction company and he wanted the owner's son to invest in it (in other words help him start a competitive company). In trying to get a business loan he went to the bank dressed in his construction clothes, while stuttering about his business plan...of course he was turned down. Then he went to withdraw money from the bank and discovered his wife mysteriously had $250,000 in a separate account. He confronted her on it but she told him it was bonuses and it was her business. In another desperate attempt to start his business he went to the owner's son (who remember was sleeping his wife) and stuttered his way through a meeting trying to get him to invest in his company. Of course he didn't.

When he went to a banquet with his wife he didn't think nothing of her sneaking off with the owner's son alone. Nor did he think much of her comparing him to her and downing him for not being as good as him. All the signs were there that she was sleeping with him and her husband NEVER got it until he was told at the end of the movie (by his best friend who knew all along and instead of getting rid of this friend he goes into business with him, OH after this friend also told him to quit dreaming about this dumb business idea). Oh and he finally breaks up with his wife at the end of the movie when he finds out she was cheating. Suddenly it dawned on him his marriage was over. Forget the fact she belittled him and hid money from him.

Sanaa Lathan's mom owns a diner that make only $250 a week and has for a long time, but she's best friends with the rich owner of the construction company. However she's supposedly broke and at the end of the movie the mom reveals that she's a millionaire and has been for a long time...she never let her kids in on this detail and they supposedly struggled all of their lives.

Of course Tyler Perry is in his movie (he always writes himself in them) and he plays a construction worker and him and his wife are supposedly struggling (yet while talking about their struggles you see the granite (or marble counter tops) in their huge home along with the plasmas and he's supposedly only making $40,000 a year...)

I challenge Tyler Perry to make an action movie. Think outside the box. What is it with these movies he's making? I want something different and I may start a petition or something begging people not to go see his movie until he gives us something better to watch!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I hate to share

I remember the days when I could enjoy a pack of fruit snacks all by myself. My husband hates them or anything gummy for that matter so I never had to share with him.

Now I have a two year old. A two year old who loves fruit snacks.

It's funny because sometimes I forget how much he loves them and just today I decided to grab me a pack of fruit snacks while he was in his booster chair enjoying his milk and I'm walking by and noticed he was doing sign language really hard asking for some...he's eating them now, I ate one maybe two and he's eating the rest. My husband then informed me that this is about his fourth pack today.

I truthfully don't mind giving him his own pack out of the box but when I'm walking with mine I don't want to share.

Next time I think I'll wait until he's out of sight before I open one of my own...as I'm typing he's walking with my fruit snacks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Seek Ye First...

I've learned the worst sin is the sin no one knows about but you. I'd been dealing with unwholesome thoughts for the longest maybe years. And I'd become comfortable with it until recently. I really began to be convicted of it lately but it'd gone on for so long I really was having a hard time stopping and it became kind of frustrating. I was suddenly hearing all kinds of ministries speaking out against the "sin of the mind" you know the sins that no one knows about but you. However none of these ministries really seemed to provide an answer. Our mind is powerful. We tend to worry, think bad about others etc. and it's so easy to do. But lately I'd become very uncomfortable with my thoughts. It was interrupting my worship, my prayer life and it had been for a long time but suddenly it was just taking more hold of me then I wanted it too.

I'd started praying but that didn't seem to help and my husband is great and would listen but has been dealing with so much himself that I didn't want to worry him about this. It started being laid on my heart really hard that I need to at least confess it to someone, but I didn't want to because at the same token it was kind of embarrassing. Then someone I love and trusted came to mind that I could tell and I immediately sent her an email before I could second guess my decision. It simply said "I have some sin I've been dealing with and want to confess it to you, call me tomorrow when you have time." If anything I figured she'd get a good laugh :-)

So she called and I confessed and she gave me the best Christian counsel and you know it finally felt good to have it out in the open. Like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Something I'd kept inside so long was finally out and I was being held accountable for once.

Of course everything didn't get better right away and I didn't expect it to but it's still been a start. Then just today I was dealing with some of the same issues and I started praying to God and told Him I really don't want to concentrate on this issue anymore and I'm just starting my request and telling Him to please take my mind off of this and I felt Him speak to me.

If you know me, one thing you know is I hardly ever say I felt God speak to me. As a matter of fact I'm extremely leery of people when they say "God told me" all the time. I believe God speaks in different ways, through Godly counsel, through His Word and directly at times but I'm still leery at people who always say "God told me." That's why this just stopped me in my tracks. Anyway I'm pouring my heart out to God, when it hit me "But seek ye first the kingdom of God..."

I'd been asking God for Him to take this issue away from me and secretly been hoping I'd miraculously stop dwelling on the same thing and of course it hasn't happened and I've been just praying that eventually it'd go away and of course it hasn't, isn't it funny how we aways want God to do something for us but not do anything in return? Then that verse just came to me.

God's word is amazing. In seeking Him I came across so many verses that speak to me in my situation 2 Corinthians 10:5 says "5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"

I'm not the only one who's dealt with issues like these or had something I was holding onto and God knows that. There's so many instances in the Bible of what I've been going through and God has already provided the answers and a way out yet I haven't been reading or seeking Him and therefore it's been pretty hard. But in seeking His word I've found comfort lately and I'm realizing again why it's so important to know God's word and to study it. Psalm 119:11 says "11Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee"

I don't want to give false hope to people that all issues will go away, they won't. Satan will probably just try harder, but in knowing God's word I'm renewing my mind. I'm thinking on Him. Taking time to marvel in his Word and fall in love with Jesus all over again. And when I start to worry I have verses to go back to. Verses that can speak to that specific situation and provide comfort and that's what I need most right now.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Is it just me or do men get treated better when they're out with the children.

I can count on one hand the times I've been out with the children and had people offer to help me. I especially remember being in a Perkins restroom when my daughter was two and a half months and a very nice elderly lady was in there. I was changing Peyton and she came over and spoke. She then washed her hands and said "ok sweetie my hands are washed, what can I do to help." She was so sweet! I didn't need her help but I really appreciated her offer. Then there was a lady at Kraynak's in PA who was really nice this past Christmas. So there have been some really nice ladies out there but it is extremely rare.

However don't let me have a screaming, crying, child especially since my children are both big for their age. My daughter can get away with it still because she's still obviously a baby. But my two year old (who looks almost 4 in size) well forget it, I get the worse looks. They really don't bother me that much though. I've gotten extremely good at having a "don't say one word to me face" and usually people don't mess with me. I had one lady I could tell wanted to say something to me one time when my son had shut down on me in the store and I gave her a look that said "I dare you." And she let it go. Not sure if she was going to say something encouraging or negative but at the time I didn't care. I had shopping to finish doing and no amount of temper tantrums were going to stop that, I could've spanked him in the store but didn't want to, instead I chose to let him scream and I ignored him and shopped (he was about 20 months at the time). Did he disrupt the entire target yes but somehow I tuned him out and finished my shopping amongst the many "looks".

When my husband goes out with the children it's a totally different story. Women are something else. Despite the wedding ring and two kids they flock to him. He's like a chick magnet. I love to hear the stories when he gets home. One time some ladies loaded his cart for him at the register and then offered to take it out to the car (and he turned their services down of course). But still. When he comes home with them I'm amazed at the amount of help he's offered and the amount of people who talk to him (mostly women of course). And if the children are crying they take pity on him! It's amazing! They look at him like "you poor thing" with me it's "what a horrible mother."

Although he did get a really nice compliment from an elderly gentlemen in the restroom one time. He'd taken both children with him into the restroom for diaper changes and a man approached him and complimented him on being a "real man." That was an extremely nice compliment. But I must admit I was kind of jealous.

I take these beautiful babies out almost everyday on some sort of errand. Where's my "real woman" compliments? Not that I need them or really desire them but why is it a man is seen as some sort of superhero for taking two children out and for a woman to do it it's nothing?

Maybe that's a dumb question considering the number of single mothers out there and the high rates of divorce in this country but it still frustrates me that it's so uncommon to people that it has to be complimented so heavy when seen.

Sam is just as capable as me (if not more). To be honest with you Nathan actually behaves better with him (only slightly). So he doesn't need the added help really and of course he's physically stronger than me so lifting the children isn't as tedious for him as it is for me.

But I went through all those months of pregnancy and hours of labor for society to show him more respect? It just strikes me as funny sometimes.

But he is a wonderful man, a fantastic husband, a devoted father and a great provider so I don't want to take nothing away from him. All of the compliments are actually deserved, in fact he probably deserves more so I'm not mad about that. I'm just kind of mad at how women will throw themselves at a man who's obviously married and obviously has children. Yet when a woman is out with children there's some sort of stigma with it (not all the time of course but at times there is).

Also going back to the show Bachelor. Part of that man's appeal was the fact he was a single father. The women loved that and some fairytale was built around it. I honestly don't think a single mother would've had the same response.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Reality Check

Yesterday I was able to snag almost 2 hours to myself which is EXTREMELY rare. I usually get an hour thanks to Sam but yesterday I snuck in 2. Anyhow I was laying on the bed and decided to watch TV. I hardly ever watch anything so I have no clue what comes on and on what days. But yesterday The Bachelor was on. I've heard of the show of course but never watched it and it happened to be the season finale when he actually proposes to who he chooses. I came to an early conclusion: The Bachelor has got to be one of the dumbest shows in existence.

While watching that episode he made out with both girls (and this is the last show, who knows how many more women he made out with on the show). At the end of the show when he let one girl down he went and cried over her and said that he was in love with two women. And then the next silly girl to come he proposed to and she was ecstatic! It was just painstakingly stupid. Then if The Bachelor wasn't painful enough they had a follow up of the show come on right after.

So now fast forward 6 weeks this Bachelor is back on saying he made a mistake in choosing the girl he proposed to. He should've chosen the other one. So he broke up with her on National Television and called the other girl out and told her he made a mistake and he should've picked her and this idiot accepts his apology and allows him to kiss her and now they're going to be together...just a whole two hours of stupidity.

I just wrote a blog on the importance of marriage and to see this show...it just shows how marriage isn't valued to me. These people don't love each other. It's lust. Maybe the women are in love I don't know but this wishy washy male?

And to make matters worse, he's already been divorced once. And I'm not saying you can't find love again after one divorce. However he's already been divorced and now he's being wishy washy on who he wants to marry...don't these girls see the warning signs? I'd be curious to find out his role in the divorce if I was them.

Also he has a son. Again I'm not against inheriting a step child. However this show portrayed it as "the perfect fairy tale" The girl is looking forward to becoming a step mother. And nothing wrong with that, however, how naive are these women? Do they think it's going to be easy to step into this young boys life?

And that leads me to another thing I'm going to blog about at another time. Actually next time I will. Why is it so romantic and looked upon as a good thing when you see a single father and usually with single mothers people run? I haven't seen The Bachelor before but do any of these women have children of their own? Just curious. And I'll blog about this next time in more detail because Sam and I noticed that when I'm out with the children alone I get treated a certain way and when he's out he gets treated another...I'll explain in my next post.

But anyway that's how I spent my two hours. Basically trying to counsel the women on TV as if they could hear me. "DON'T DO IT!!!!" was the main phrase I kept using last night. I really hope young girls and women aren't following this show or enamored with it because it's really sad to see marriage devalued like that. Also I looked up the history of this show and only one couple made it down the isle and it said this show has been on for 13 seasons! How stupid. Obviously this is a failed concept. Compete for your husband on national TV. Let him make out and do who knows what with other contestants and hope he picks you based off of who knows what. This doesn't teach women self respect at all.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I still love him

You know I've been checking out my husband a lot lately and he's still as sexy as ever and I'm thankful I still have these feelings.

I keep wondering why we have such a rise in divorce and the lines aren't blurred across the church and I'm finding that women are equally promiscuous now a days and it all saddens me. I have many friends and family members who I think would make someone a great husband or wife, yet they haven't found that special someone yet.

I realize that marriage now a days isn't popular. I got married when I was 23 and my husband was 22 (yes I'm older :-) and I always get told that I married young. My mother married when she was 18 (I know I keep hearing the times were different speeches) so I actually considered myself older when I got married.

I've got some friends and family members who chose to shack up first saying they want to get their lives and careers in order first before they get married...fine but why are you living together? Somehow that doesn't make sense to me either.

And I don't mean to sound so harsh because I realize with the rise of divorce a lot of my friends came from single parent homes or homes where the marriages were not quite "together". I on the other hand had a wonderful example of marriage so I can't always relate. My Dad really digs my mother and she really loves my Dad. Their love for each other is something that I never doubted. He thinks she's beautiful and they're the best of friends even to this day. The same was true for both sets of my grandparents and they were all inseparable. Where you see my mom, you see my dad. They really enjoy each others company.

I always wanted that in my relationship. I remember telling my husband when we were dating that I wanted a marriage like my parents. I wanted a man who loved me. Also it was extremely important to me that he enjoy my company because I truly believe in sticking together. A lot of people see this as clingy and call it a negative thing but I disagree.

Whenever I talk to a woman about to get married to a good man I really love to encourage her. Love your husband I tell her and enjoy being a wife. Let him be the head of your household and always give him the highest respect to his face and behind his back (when with girlfriends). And especially let your children see how much you love and respect that man.

I remember hearing a Christian program where a man said that your children should know these three facts about their father. He:

  1. Loves the Lord

  2. Loves their mother

  3. Loves his children

And I also agree they should know them about their mother.

My parents were excellent in having a "united front" as I call it. They never disagreed on an issue involving us in front of us. I remember wanting a particular car when I was 16 and my father told me he wasn't getting it. I remember them talking quietly in their room that same day (our vents were attached but they were talking so quietly I couldn't hear even with my ear pressed up against it :-). When they came out they announced they were getting the car after all (I think my mom played a huge role in that). And I have many childhood examples of such scenarios, sometime it was my mom who's mind needed changing etc. But I do know in front of me they were united. I couldn't ask mom for candy and sneak off and ask my dad if she'd already said no. And it was a good thing.

I know my parents loved each other and took their "til death do us part" vows seriously. And I take them seriously as well and so does my husband.

And as beautiful as marriage is to me I'm still baffled at why so many are falling apart. Is it that spouses aren't taking time to spend quality time with each other? Is it that we're not taking an interest in each others hobbies? Although some hobbies are specific to one person some can be shared right? Are lifestyles too busy? Are we as married Christian couples failing to counsel and encourage other young Christian couples?

This divorcing for "irreconcilable differences" is really starting to piss me off. I would never encourage anyone to stay in an abusive relationship or where infidelity is involved. However if your divorcing just because he leaves the toilet seat up and you like it down then that's where I have issues. I've talked to people who tell me why they're leaving their spouse and maybe they're not always telling me the whole story because it baffles me. I have to wonder; is that all??? Sam and I would've left each other a long time ago for some of the dumb stuff I hear. Just because he puts the Tupperware in the pantry and you like it in the cabinet doesn't equal divorce. Or just because one of you spent the money foolishly on one item (or several) doesn't equal divorce.

I remember talking to a co worker about 4 years ago who was about to get married and I was so happy for her. I told her so and she was almost in tears with me. Mind you I barely knew her but we went to lunch for the first time together and she said that other than her parents who loved the guy her friends kept telling her how all men cheat and how she's too young to get married (she was 27 at the time). Mind you I do believe that sometime counsel is needed when a friend is going to marry someone wrong for them. IE the person isn't saved, or abusive, or lazy, or just wrong for them. Then by all means we should speak up and warn the person and that will stop an inevitable divorce. However, when we're telling people not to get married and have no good reason for it then I question people's motives. Anyway she was really happy that I was so encouraging of it and they're still happily married today.

I'll be honest with you too, I have issues with people writing their own vows instead of keeping the traditional ones. If you ever pay attention to the words in the wedding vows they're so deep:

"I, (name), take you (name), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part"

That promise is so special and deep and it covers so much that I hate to see any of it omitted. And I wish people would really think about what those vows really mean.

Marriage is a wonderful thing when you marry the person God has for you. I married my absolute best friend. When were dating we'd sit on my parent's side porch and talk for hours. Literally. No tv, nothing. LOL and believe it or not there weren't a whole lot of make out sessions going on on that porch. So we really got to know each other very well. I remember being at a ministry meeting and someone made the comment "who really takes time to get to know who they're dating" and out of 4 couples in that room we were the only ones who could honestly say that we did.

I truly pray that our son grows up to mirror his father. I always write in his journal that if he becomes even half of what his father is then he's going to make someone a wonderful husband one day. And I pray that our daughter grows up to find someone who can make her as happy and content as I've been/am. If I were to die today I truly would die a very happy woman and that's because God blessed me with a very wonderful (sexy) man.