Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Updates and Just a whole bunch of stuff

I know I said I wasn't going to be blogging the rest of this month, but the children are both asleep and I just feel like writing.

This time off has been pretty great though.

Peyton is finally sleeping in her own room, in her own crib. I can't tell you how wonderful that is. I love my daughter more than words can express but a word of advice. Don't let children sleep in the bed with you and your husband. And when I say that I mean don't let them sleep there every night. Those rare occasions (movie night, sick child, scared child) fine. But as an everyday habit I don't recommend it at all. When we have more children this will be one of those areas where I lived and learned. I tried to do different because I thought maybe I moved Nathan out too quickly and I never let him sleep with us at night (I napped with him when Sam was at work) but I didn't let him sleep with us. But letting Peyton sleep with us just had too many drawbacks, so I'm glad she's in her room. She's getting better sleep and so are we.

I know my plan was to blog everyday about black history events, but that was just too big of a goal and I just won't have time. I've already researched and written quite a few things but it'll be more like just two to three facts a week and I'm still looking forward to that.

I know why they call the Bible the "Living Word" I decided to read through the Bible this year again and it's been great so far. Even though I read it often and read through it before, I ALWAYS find something there that I didn't notice before. I'm enjoying growing closer to God and just learning everyday. I'm in Exodus now and reading about how the Israelites saved manna even though God told them not to (except for the 6Th day because of the Sabbath being the next day). Their disobedience amazes me. Wow I'm thinking they saw the evidence of God so clearly with all the plagues in Egypt and then the red sea parting in their face! How in the world can they continue to be so dumb.

Then a reality check came. I can't tell you how many times in my life God has shown himself to me. How many situations He rescued me from and I (like the Israelites) continue on the same disobedient track. It just struck me as amazing.

With Peyton sleeping in her room now I have more time to sit up and read, and I've been reading some great books:

THROUGH THE STORM: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World By: Lynne Spears

Ok I'm so not on the Britney Spears kick I was on earlier, that actually came and went but I was surprised to find this book by her mother in the Christian section so out of curiosity I got it. And you know what it was really good. Her mother is a Christian and she was very candid in it about the mistakes she made as a mother and what her family has gone through. She even said that she would've taught her children to have a relationship with Christ because Britney and her older son Brian left the faith and she feels she didn't teach them how to have a relationship with Christ she took them to church etc. but she didn't teach them about spending time alone with the Lord and reading the Bible etc.

And she made fame look like the worst thing in the world (although that wasn't her intent). She was upfront about how she lost control of Britney when she started making more money etc. It was just a really good book and it just showed a mother's heart. Deep down I think her mother really wanted what's best for her children but just made a lot of mistakes a long the way. It was surprisingly good.

The Duggars 20 and Counting: Raising One of America's Largest Families-How they Do It: By: Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar

I can't put this book down. I got it from the library on Friday and already I'm almost done with it. This is such an amazing family, I'd love to meet them actually. Their faith in God is undeniable and inspiring. While I'm not about to go out and have 19 children like them, I really do agree with a lot of what they're saying. They explain why they have a big family and how they manage their family. Also why they dress the way they do etc. And it's such a pleasant book to read. It's full of pictures and recipes and they've incorporated questions and answers.

I read the reviews on it and some people complained about the book saying things like:

"Just because she doesn't want to take birth control doesn't mean everyone shouldn't" and "Well good for them they can homeschool, everyone doesn't have to" You know what amazes me. The book is only telling people what they did. It's in no way shape or form trying to persuade people to live like them at all. They just wrote it because many people are curious about they way they live so they thought they'd tell their story and that's all it is, it's not accusing at all. I just wonder why people feel the need to get so defensive. It's a really great book.

Why Christian Kids Rebel: Trading Heartache for Hope - By: Tim Kimmel

This is another amazing book I got from the library. I can't seem to stop reading it. So many christian children are leaving the faith and this author is shedding insight into why. So many families are doing the "right thing" by taking their children to church and getting involved in ministry and making sure their children grow up in ministry. So why after all this are they still leaving the faith? Which is something that intrigues me.

This is also close to my heart because I mentioned that I really want Nathan and Peyton to love Jesus Christ with their entire being, over anything. So this book has been eye opening to me. It's good to see why some children leave to do preventative measures. The author was a youth minister who saw a lot and he lets you know that a lot of what he's saying is going to step on your toes as parents. He's not just pointing the fingers at our children but at us. And all ready there's some things that I've been doing that may not be beneficial. So it's just another great book that I recommend.

My little man is doing great. We're having a really really rough winter this year and we've already been sick so even though he's involved in stuff he doesn't always get to go because the weather may be bad or again we're sick etc. So we've been spending a ton of time at home. And that can be pretty hard to keep him entertained.

Those of you who know me know that I'm not a huge TV watcher. I do watch occasionally and rent movies but I have a strict rule about the television. I don't allow one in my living area or my children's rooms. Sam and I have one in our room and we recently put one in the basement. I used to let Nathan watch Elmo but was dissatisfied with some of the content and to be honest with you the children's Christian shows are dropping the ball to me. I have to give it to Elmo at least he really talked to the children. I was considering letting him watch it again but just screening it better but found out that Mr. Noodles brother (Mr. Noodle) was an open homosexual that died of AIDS (which is extremely sad). So I decided to just nix Elmo and try to find Christian shows but none of those hold his attention. And I'm not too broken up about it cause I don't like him watching TV that much anyway.

So I was searching for ways to entertain and get him engaged and found a wonderful website with TONS of activity suggestions. It's http://www.savvysource.com/activities/browse_1a_1-2_years_activities and I just love it. I write in two activities on the whiteboard to do with him everyday and so far he loves it and so do I and Peyton joins in and it's been making our days go by faster and he's getting engaged and so is Peyton, so thus far we're not really getting the "winter blues."
I recently decided to start losing weight again. So I've been eating right and decided to work out as well. I rented a really nice hip hop dance workout video and thought it'd be fun to do it with Nathan. BIG MISTAKE. It was fun I guess but I didn't get the work out that I wanted. Nathan thought it was a good idea to make a tunnel out of my legs and he proceeded to go in and out while I was trying to work out (as you can guess that made it impossible to do anything).
Nathan's also very prone to nosebleeds and ended up bumping his nose on my leg and the flow started. So I ended up sitting on the coach watching the video while tending to Nathans nose. In case you're wondering where Peyton was, she was on the floor the entire time trying to figure out what Nathan and I were doing. Not the work out I was expecting, but hey I got to enjoy the time with my children and create yet another memory :-)
Still sexy as ever! I would include a few pics of him but I don't want any of you to start sinning by "coveting" him :-) See Exodus 20:17

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Coming Soon

Hi Everyone!

I'm not going to have anymore posts this month. Our household is sick (it's that time of year). So I'm going to spend time getting everyone and myself well.

But please stay tuned because starting February 1st I'm going to post little known black history facts and I'm also going to dive into well known black history facts but try to show something you may not be familiar with - something that's not always highlighted. I'll dedicate my blog to it for the entire month and will have a new post each day (at least that's my goal :-). I won't be adding my own comments just facts. I've been doing a lot of research (I already have the first 20 topics!) and found some very interesting things that I'm very exited about sharing! I'll be including videos and pictures so please join me next month and tell your friends about it and invite them to read too!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Another question to open for discussion.

Is submission to our husbands a bad thing?

I put Titus 2:4-5 on my blog and it's getting some response from my readers. (LOL that tickles me too, I have "readers" now.) Anyway not too long ago I was trying to jazz up my blog a little bit. I look at other people's blogs and notice there's stuff all on the sides of them and was just trying to figure out one day how to do that to mine. When I get time to blog I do just that blog, I usually don't spend time trying do much else cause I really don't have much time to blog in the first place and I'm typing quick while I'm doing it. But this particular day I had time and found where I could add a picture or something to that side and I tried adding a pic and didn't like it so I decided to add a verse. I actually really like that verse and study it often and so when I was trying to think of a verse that one came to mind.

Honestly I never expected anyone to even notice it and I forgot about it until I started getting emails and actually a lot of you were insulted by it. Another thing that was odd to me. I know the Bible is the living word and it speaks directly to us but I was shocked so many Christian women actually finds that verse offensive. It's literally not liked.

That verse speaks to me and the main part I like is: "These older women must train the younger women." In a few of my past blogs you may have noticed that when I said I seek counsel from someone they're usually older then me either in age or in experience and even just today Sam and I went to a couple's home to have brunch after church and I got to spend time with a woman that I really love and highly respect. She's like a surrogate Grandmother to our children and I seek relationships with women like her and that's the main part about the verse that I like.

But I started getting emails that threw me. A lot of you were telling me you noticed the verse I had on the site and out of the blue without my asking you started explaining why you had to work outside of the home....That verse wasn't put there as a way to inadvertently tell women something. If I wanted or felt that all women should stay home then I'd blog about it I wouldn't stick a verse on the side of my page to try to insinuate something.

But that wasn't the big part about it though. A lot of women were heated that I put it on because the last part said that we women should be submissive to their husbands. And you were shocked that I added the verse because it looks like I agree with this statement. Well I do.

Wow that just opened up a huge can of worms I bet.

But what's wrong with that statement? If we read Biblically what does submission mean?

I know that in the Bible people like Abraham, Jacob, Solomon to name a few had several wives and concubines. But did that have anything to with what God wanted? I'm told that submit only refers to the culture of that day and doesn't apply today. Say's who? God or us.

God never told anyone to have more than one wife. It was never stated in the Bible to take two wives from God. If I'm wrong please send me the verse and I'll retract what I'm saying. God never once approved of other wives. I know he opened wombs but he never said Abraham sleep what Hagar. Sarah didn't trust God or possibly didn't believe that she would have a child and gave Hagar to Abraham (he didn't object either I noticed)

And let's look at what husband's were called to do:

Ephesians - Chapter 5:25-33
25. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her26. to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,27. and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.28. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.29. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church-30. for we are members of his body.31. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”32. This is a profound mystery-but I am talking about Christ and the church.33. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself...
Colossians - Chapter 3:19
19. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
Those verses are very deep.
And what were wives supposed to do:
Ephesians 5:
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their own husbands in every thing.
Too often we find that men and women sin (we're sinful creatures right) and we see men mistreating women (beating them, being harsh etc.) and because we witness this we say that it's because of the word submit. While that's true some men take the term submit to mean those things, that's never what God intended it to mean. So why blame the Bible for a man's ignorance to what the Bible says or say the Bible didn't mean that.
Who's the head of your household? If you don't know then ask your children living there they know.
I knew my father was the head of our home. Yes my parents were equal, but my father's word was law. I knew that if I wanted an extra piece of candy then I was more likely to get it from mom. This said my mother wasn't and still isn't a weak woman, honestly she's always been the strongest woman I know. She's the only person on this earth who can get my father to ever change his mind on anything. So much so that when were growing up as children we knew if we really wanted to persuade my father on something then to go to her because she's the only one who could do it.
Sometimes in homes the roles are reversed, either because the man isn't in the home or because he's in the home but not stepping up as the head of it.
But did God ever call women to be the head of the household? Adam described Eve saying: "This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh!"
They were equal but heir roles were different. Did you ever notice that when Eve ate the fruit nothing happened. Their eyes didn't actually open until Adam ate it, let's look at Genesis 3;6-7"
6 The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.7 At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.
I always wonder what would have happened if Eve wouldn't have taken the fruit to Adam. Would the fall have happened still. I don't know. If you read further God addressed the man first. God knows and sees all. He knows full well Eve ate the fruit first and he knows full well that she took it to Adam but he still directs his questions at Adam first. Then he said something prophetic that still applies today. Genesis 3:16 says:
16 Then he said to the woman,"I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth.And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.*"
The first part of that verse still applies right? If you think it doesn't then you haven't had children. Why then are we as women throwing out the second as that part being old and doesn't apply anymore.
I'm saying in a Godly Christian marriage it was designed that the man be the head of the household and love his wife and that the woman be his helper, submit to his authority and respect him. Nowadays that sound archaic and it insults many. The weird part is that we as women want men to keep up their end of the bargain. I can't think of a woman out there who doesn't want a man to follow what was written in Ephesians about how he's supposed to love us as women. But then we get angry that we're supposed to follow anything that has to do with submission. Actually what we don't realize in fighting against it is that we're fulfilling that prophecy in Genesis 3:16 - "And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you"
God created something beautiful in the Christian marriage. So beautiful in fact that He references the Christian church as his Bride and he's the Bridegroom.
Would I want my daughter to submit to her husband's authority. My desire is for my daughter to marry a Christian man who loves the Lord over everything else a man who lives out what God called him to do as the head of his household.
Biblically the man my daughter marries should be able to care for her as good as or better than her father did. What else does it mean when a father "gives his daughter away" I know we think that's just symbolic but why does the father do it and not the mother?
Now again I know that Titus 2 says for women to be workers in their homes and this is another spot where women get up in arms. Does this mean that women should work in their homes. Yes it does. You're your husbands helpmate. You're not the provider of the family (not supposed to be although there are circumstances where women have to be). If you're working outside the home there's nothing wrong with that. You're helping your husband provide for the family. Hence the term again "helping." You're helping your household. Even if you make more than your husband I still feel that your "helping" him provide.
The Christian marriage is a beautiful thing and I don't want us as women to try to change what God meant to fit into today's culture. That's like saying God didn't mean for Homosexuals not to marry. You know people actually believe that. It's a whole other topic for a whole other day but it seems that when something ruffles our feathers about God's word and we don't agree we start trying to say what God actually meant.
Some things are cultural yes. But God doesn't always agree with the culture.
I believe that we should teach our sons and daughters what the verses mean and encourage them to marry within their faith. Pray for our children and their future spouses. We all want our children to be loved and respected in their marriages and to have God as the head of their marriage.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

She's got Talent

This is a really touchy subject but I want to open it up for discussion.

I get told a lot that I'm wasting my talents by being at home. I get told by friends point blank that they don't stay at home because they don't want to waste their talents. To be honest with all of you, I usually won't approach the topic at all because it's so controversial among women and usually steps on a lot of toes and for awhile I didn't even want to blog about it in this way but since it's in my face all the time and on my mind I decided to write about it anyway.

What does that mean? And I'm not asking that in a smart way at all, I very honestly want some comments on what that means.

I've been home for two years now and I hear it (or some variation) almost every week when I go to church (that's honestly no exaggeration). I get asked constantly (usually by the same people) when I'm going back to work and told not to waste my talent and that they too would stay home but they don't want to waste their talents.

I loved my job and while I worked hard to get it, I always considered it just a job. Yes I'm a college grad, yes I worked in jobs I hated before landing my "dream job" but it was still just a job to me. It was a place to go and make an income. If I have to go back it'd still be that, I never felt it was where my talent layed. Even before children if I'd had the choice I would've been doing something else.

But that's just me, there are many different types of jobs out there (surgeons, concert pianist, etc). So I don't want to say it doesn't take talent to work certain jobs. I worked in a daycare for awhile and I didn't feel that was mindless work either when I was there. I guess I'm hurt when I hear women say this, not because they're implying I don't have talent I'm just hurt if they think this is the only place or way to display talent is by going to a job. Is that the case or am I wrong?

And it's weird to think that if you're at home than you're suddenly talentless.

What is the stereotype of staying at home? Is it a lazy job now? Worthless?

It's up to the individual if they choose to work but why not say you choose to work because you like what you do. There's nothing wrong with that at all. You can work because you're good at what you do to, again nothing wrong with that. But should we apply the word talent to it.

I just looked up the word talent in the dictionary and do you know what it means? :

a special natural ability or aptitude:
Did anyone notice the word natural in there. I went to school for 4 years (actually 5 now that I think about it) to get the training to do what I did for a living. It wasn't my talent. It wasn't natural.
Mozart was a natural at the piano. Beyonce seems to be a natural singer. I'm sure they used training to enhance what they could already do but the talent was already there it was natural.
But then I'll be fair because the second definition of talent does say:
a capacity for achievement or success; ability:
So maybe my job was a talent I don't know. I guess the question I really need answered is am I wasting my talent? Seriously. Or can't I excercise other talents? Don't I have other talents? Don't you?
Do I have to work at a corporation to showcase my talent? Is that the only way for us women to show that we have talents?
I'm really curious about this topic. Not so much whether women should stay home or not that's not the topic. But rather women feeling their wasting something by doing it. That's what I really want to know. And the term "talents" is what I really want to harp on because that term (or some variation of it) is usually used.
Maybe I'm different but even when the kids go to school I'd like to explore other things, if Sam's ok with it and if we can afford it. I'd like to start volunteering my time at our children's home not too far from my house. I won't be getting paid for it but it's something I'd like to invest time in while Nathan and Peyton are in school. Is that wrong since I won't be making an income? A lot of people expect I'll be going back to work when Nathan and Peyton are school age. Actually that's not a goal or desire of mine. Is that wrong? And that's another question. Is the talent in what you do or in what you make?
Do you feel less if you're not bringing in a check? I have to admit it was weird the first Christmas buying Sam something, knowing I wasn't bringing home a check per se. But honestly with all the work I do around here those feelings left pretty quickly.
This isn't directed at the people who have to work to help support their families. JOr even the people who choose to work because they like it. Just at the people (women actually) who feel like they're wasting something if they're not working.
Or is it just a personal thing to the individual. How and why do you feel that way?
And I get these comments point blank to my face a lot. How should I, as a person who chose to stay at home re act? I'm not really sure. Should I be insulted? Or feel less?
I know I'm asking a lot of questions but I just want a lot of feedback. Feel free to email me directly.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I was never really an arts and crafts person until I became pregnant with my son. Then all of a sudden I got creative. I began journaling like crazy and keeping all kinds of stuff for him. I've kept personal journals since I was in the 6th grade so it wasn't that hard to start journaling for him. From the time I found out I was pregnant I started writing "Dear Nathan" letters and still continue until this day and now I have "Dear Peyton" letters for our daughter and I love it. I tell them everything from current events, to our faith in Christ, and even little things like "Hey Peyton you clapped today for the first time."

So Sam noticed this interest and got me the nicest gift for Christmas. It's the Cricut (cutting) machine. It was kind of funny because one of his co workers had a Cricut and he saw it and figured it was something I'd love. He didn't know that I'd seen an infomercial for it back in March and loved it then. So it was a really big surprise to see it on Christmas morning. And now he's really created a monster. I'm on a huge scrap booking kick and totally enjoying it.

I went to my first scrap booking class this past Monday at Archivers and loved it. And I've been surfing Youtube watching craft channels. I already bought a few accessories (until Sam capped me off:-) and created a few things that don't look half bad. There's several more free classes I'm going to attend. The ladies I met in my first class were so nice.
Sam picked up a 10 mega pixel camera that someone was giving away for free on Craigs list. It was dropped and eaten by their dog and the screen busted...but it still takes great pics and hey I said it was free right! And he's shopping for a photo printer for me so I can add pics to their scrapbooks and journals.
It's nice to keep stuff for them. I love writing them letters. They get my thoughts in my handwriting and they'll probably make great heirlooms one day. I'm brutally honest with them at times. They get to hear my struggles, when I'm happy, and I constantly tell them how much Christ means to me and my relationship with Him and how important it is that they accept Christ into their lives. They also hear how much I respect and love their father. Those sort of things and I'm just happy that with the cricut I can get even more creative with the way their journal entries look.
If any of you are crafty please share all websites with me!

Monday, January 5, 2009

What does this look like to you?

Tell me what does this look like to you?

Nathan loves Elmo. Anything Elmo. Sam and I always rent Elmo's world DVD's from the library. The last one we just rented was called "Families, Mail & Bath Time." The fact that the word "Families" was in the title made Sam and I nervous since a certain group of people are fighting hard to redefine families.

Sam and I watched this video with Nathan the first day, we watched hard too, because we suspected something is going to be thrown in. But we were wrong we thought, because we didn't see anything. Still the title made us uncomfortable. So yesterday I watched it again.

If you blink you'll miss it. If you reach down to scratch something you won't see it. But yesterday I didn't have to scratch or reach for anything and I saw it. It appears and disappears so quickly on the screen that I had to pause the DVD really fast to get a good look at it. Then I called Sam in to confirm it.

You can describe me as angry right now. Or better yet down right heated. My son loves this show and I'm sure someone in your family does as well.

But you know what? My son will no longer be watching this show, a decision made by his father and me. Does that seem harsh? Maybe. Unfair? Maybe. But God entrusted us with these two and sometimes our decisions aren't going to be liked.

But he could just watch the "clean" ones. Again Elmo's not welcome at this address any longer. I thought the video I rented from the library was a "clean" one. But again look at the picture above and answer my question.

What does this look like to you?

Friday, January 2, 2009

When Parents are Silent

Lately I've been struggling with a few issues. My issues aren't with children but with parents of children. I expect a toddler/baby to act like one but when the parent fails to help the situation then I have a problem. What am I talking about you ask? Read below. I honestly haven't run into this with anyone who reads my blog which is probably why I'm so free about expressing this. The people I've run into this with I don't really associate with anymore because I couldn't figure out if it's best to confront the person on the issues or let the issues go. Some of you who read this have been parents longer than me. I'd greatly appreciate your comments on if you've dealt with any of the below issues and if so what was/is your response.

I can't tell you enough how much this one bothers me. Whether it be a toddler or a young child or preteen. I can't stand a disrespectful child. I truly believe that a child should use titles when talking to an adult, unless that adult says otherwise. I also believe a child should say, "Yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir." And if you don't agree with that then can they at least say "yes" and "no" instead of "yeah," "naw", "huh," "yep."
And what's with the interrupting while adults are talking? Shouldn't they be taught to say "Excuse me?"

This is a HUGE deal to me. Hitting or snatching is disrespect and should not be tolerated at all. This one pisses me off in parents. You know why? If you do not teach your child to quit hitting or snatching then guess what - when you bring them over for a play date, they're going to hit and snatch from their peers. I don't know any mother who doesn't get pissed when they see something snatched from their child or their child hit and the other parent just sits and watches or just says "Billy that's not nice." DO SOMETHING! Take the toy from them or make them stop. Or better yet whoop them.

EVERY TIME your child hits or snatches you should discipline. I don't believe there are any exceptions to this rule (except maybe in the case of self defense among that child's peers). If I'm wrong on this then feel free to leave me comments. I'm sick of going places and seeing children getting away with this. If you decide that it's ok for your child to do this then don't get mad if another parent speaks up and reprimands your child because you fail to do so. And that leads me to my next point.

Don't get so mad if someone else corrects your child. Maybe you didn't see what they were doing. Would you rather they allow your child to stick their hand under that hot water or run into the street? Hopefully the people you choose to hang around have your child's best interest at heart so if they tell your child to get down from something don't be so quick to get mad about it.

So you think it's ok for Sarah to climb up on your kitchen cabinets. That's your business but please realize that everyone you visit may not feel the same way. So when you take your child to that persons house -DON'T LET THEM CLIMB. You put your host in a very awkward situation here if you do. Especially if you're a sensitive person. If you're not that sensitive and don't mind your host telling your children to get down (and if you teach your children to respect others authority) then it may not be that big of a deal. After all to give people the benefit of the doubt every one's rules are different and you can't be expected to know them right off, but it doesn't hurt to ask if the person minds what their kids are doing. Sometimes the host will say he/she is fine. If you hear the host tell your child to quit doing something at their house could you please back the host up and make your child stop?

I've finally learned to move valuable things out of the way of my toddler but some things like my couch and arm chair and dinner table can't/won't be moved. Nathan has been taught not to climb them and we had to be diligent about it but we won that fight and he doesn't climb them. We'll also do the same thing with Peyton but what gets hard is when people come over and let their children loose. I have to discipline them because you know what? It's not fair to Nathan to allow other children to come in and do what he's not allowed to do. So if you can - look at it from that hosts point of view. Don't expect them to compromise their rules because you don't want to tell your children no.

You know sometimes I can actually agree with this statement. But not when it comes to disrespect. I know 2 year olds hit. Mine tries to do it here and you know what he gets disciplined when he does it, no questions asked. Don't explain away such behavior with age. I'm not going to say Nathan hit me because he's 2. No, he hit me because he's cutting up.
Even if they do something that they don't know better, like run into the street for the first time. They did it because they didn't know better, if you don't teach them otherwise they're going to do again and possibly get hurt.


The counting method
We all know this one, where parents count to three to get the kid to listen. I don't actually have a problem with this method just the way it's used. I hear it all the time when I'm out with Nathan, but I never hear it used to correctly. I honestly believe that if you're going to use this method then the whole purpose should be to discipline the child if they haven't done what you've asked by the time you reach 3. DON'T START COUNTING OVER!!!!!!!!!!

If you're going to keep counting over or if you have to repeat your command after 3 then tell me please, what was your point?

Time out
I'm not against this method at all either. What I'm against is the parent constantly asking the child "Do you want to go to time out?" Asking once maybe, but asking the kid over and over? PUT THEM THERE ALREADY!

I pretty much have the same problem with this as with above. If you're going to do it then do it. If you tell them you're going to whoop them if they touch the hot stove again, then actually do what you said. Whoop them for touching the stove (not beat, whoop - there is a difference).

This method down right angers me. You're the parent. You're the protector. It's not up to you to reason with a 2 year old.

People may argue with me on this one because Nathan and Peyton are still so young. I believe in picking and choosing my battles but I'm not going to "reason" with Nathan. Once I make a stand on something I work with him to follow through on what I said. If I tell him to pick something up and he doesn't do it, then I take his hand and walk him over to get what I said to get. If I tell him to give me something and he doesn't then I take it from him end of discussion.


It's unfortunate that I have to write this but I do. I know as mothers we've all probably changed our children in all parts of our homes. But that's OUR homes. When you go to visit, even if that person has children of their own, don't expect them to be understanding of you changing your child anywhere. Do not assume it's ok to just change children on people's couches or living room floors. Ask the host where you can go to change your child and they'll tell you.

Also don't just throw a poopy diaper anywhere. Again ask your host where you can throw it.

Anyway these are a few things that frustrate me. I'm definitely not where I want to be with discipline. I've recently been seeking the counsel of older women (our parents age) because our generation seemed to act so much better than our children's generation. My mother-in-law is actually my favorite one to talk to along the lines of this because I love the way her kids came out (Hey I even married one:-) I also love to talk to my father on this topic. I'm still striving to incorporate rules and relationship. And remember what I said in the beginning - I have no issues with children acting childish I have a problem when parents are silent.