Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Winner and Reigning Champion

If you notice, I haven't written anything in a few days. That's because I'm totally sleep deprived. Peyton's move isn't going so well. In fact it really isn't going at all. She's officially back in our room. Yes that's right, for right now she's the winner.

The first night I fought her hard. I'd lay her down and creep out of her room and about 20 minutes later I'd hear her wailing and I'd go back in. Please, don't leave me a bunch of comments about what the books say about doing this. I already know what the books say and in a way I don't agree with them. I might eventually have to let her cry it out and I'm not so against that idea, but since we recently just got her the crib she really hasn't spent much time in her room. It's a new place to her and I don't want to abandon her in there and just shut the door, not yet anyway. Yes I would love to have sleep and our bed back but I don't want to do it the wrong way and although I'm agonizing over this issue now it's really just a phase. Nathan's only 2 and I went through something similar getting him to sleep in his bed but honestly I can't remember the entire process now. Anyway I finally got her to sleep solid one time...only to have Nathan wake up with a serious nosebleed that required him to be dipped in the tub. So Sam gave him a bath at 4:00 in the morning and Peyton slept through that and woke up when Nathan was going back to sleep. I can't win!

Now we're taking a different approach and just trying to force her to nap in her room instead (another thing that isn't working). It was funny cause Sam's such a softy. I put her in there during the day to let her cry a little bit and get used to it. She was extremely sleepy yet she didn't want to sleep in her crib. She cried and wailed and I kept going in there to console her and then leave. Well Sam was working from home on Monday while I was doing this and took pity on her and said that we should go get her...I agreed with him although at 3 in the morning he's sleep when she's woke. I'm going to start playing with her in her room to get her used to being in there and we'll just take this one day at a time.

A really positive thing that's come out of this is that I get to rock her to sleep now. I used to rock Nathan all the time but I really haven't had the opportunity with Peyton. From the time she was born it's been me, her and Nathan while Sam's at work and when Sam's home I'd just fling her in our bed and she'd go right to sleep. Now Sam puts Nathan to sleep and I get to spend time rocking and feeding Peyton and it's been really great bonding time. She's such a sweet beautiful little girl and I just love this time with her. It's a very precious time that I'll never get back so I'm just cherishing it in my heart and trying to create memories. After she's fallen asleep in my arms I pull out my ipod and catch up on my "Focus on the Family" ministries. And I get devotional time as well. So the positive aspect is that I have that important bonding time with her and that quiet time with Christ.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember those days...