Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Exodus

So tonight's the night. Peyton will be leaving our bedroom to sleep in her own.

It's been a long time coming but now she's 6 months old and I feel she's ready. Her brother was in his room when he was 3 months old. Poor Nathan. I was so strict with him (and I don't regret it). I'd said that no child will sleep in the bed with me and Sam and with Nathan I meant it. He never liked his cradle and so he slept in his swing in our room until he was three months and then I moved him into his crib in his room.

Sure he fought it. But I won. At first he'd wake up several times at night and each time I'd rock him and put him back in his bed. One day he realized that he wasn't going to win this fight and gave up.

However, Peyton made a liar out of me and up until this time she's been sleeping in our our bed. And you know what I don't regret it and neither does Sam. I used to force her to sleep in her cradle, but she'd wake up crying in the middle of the night and I'd have to grab her real quick because I didn't want her to wake up the household (especially Nathan). I didn't worry to much when Nathan used to cry because I could rock him and put him right back to sleep and so what if I didn't get much sleep that night cause I'm home anyway so I could just nap whenever he naps.

With Peyton it's not that simple. If she wakes him up then I'll have him crying in his room and her crying with me, and then Sam would probably want to get up and help but I don't want him sleepy at work the next day. So we let Peyton get away with murder.

And you should see her at night. We usually lay her down first and you can see her wiggling and settling into bed. When Sam lays down she'll turn her little face to him. It's kind of cute actually. But lately she's been getting too comfortable - spreading out and carrying on. So now Sam is off until the end of the month starting tomorrow and we've decided that it's time. Peyton's little bags are packed and she's outta here tonight!

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