Monday, December 1, 2008

It's ok

I had an interesting conversation with a 14 year old at church yesterday. I'll call the young girl Amy.

I always see the pre teens and teenagers in the bathroom when I go down to feed and change Peyton and I run into Amy nearly all the time down there.

Anyway we were discussing movies cause I told her that my son is a huge Elmo fan and she suggested that I get him a children's book by Tori Spelling. I didn't tell her but of course to me Tori Spelling and children's book don't even sound right in the same sentence. But anyway that's beside the point. I told her I didn't know that Tori Spelling had written children's stories and she went on to tell me that not only has she written children's stories but she left her ex husband for her current husband and not only that her current husband left his ex wife for Tori...ex wife and young infant Amy told me.

Anyway I told Amy that was horrible to hear that. And she said "no it's ok, they're happy now, they weren't happy before."

Are our young people really this twisted now a days to think that it's ok to cheat on your spouse and leave them for no reason other then unhappiness? According to Amy there's no abuse or infidelity...they just weren't happy.

It just really saddened me to hear a young pre teen talk so carelessly about marriage. I know she doesn't know much and doesn't even realize what she's saying but has Hollywood glamorized infidelity so much that it's becoming accepted?

If your spouse isn't making you happy then you should cheat on them? So I should cheat on Sam if he doesn't clean the floor the way I want him too? Or he should cheat on me if I don't vacuum the carpet in two weeks? Should I leave my children when Nathan throws his temper tantrums (believe me those don't make me happy!) Or what about when Peyton doesn't sleep in her own bed! WHAT ARE OUR CHILDREN LEARNING???!!!!

My point is that we all go through periods of unhappiness and just because we got married doesn't mean people from the opposite sex are suddenly unattractive. But to think it's ok to cheat and to justify it is just sad and it's more sad to see that Amy thought nothing was wrong with it. I let her talk the whole time and I looked into her pretty young brown eyes and saw a certain innocence. She really thought what she was saying was fine.

Then I talked to her a little more and sadly found out that her home situation wasn't much different then the situation that she described with Tori Spelling and her husband. So since she was raised in it, it seems ok to her because that's what's normal to her. And even though this young lady is in church every week, she's still walking around thinking that this lifestyle acceptable.

My question is are we dropping the ball? I didn't quite know what to say to this young girl I'll admit because I never was in her situation and thankfully I'm not in it now at home. And I don't want to insult her or her mother (whoever she is, I've never actually met her). But at the same token I wanted her to know and understand how Christ views our sin. That even though we sin everyday - all of us, it's never acceptable whether we're in this type of situation or not. How do I speak to her about it or do I speak to her mother, or just take the time to get to know her better.

Well yesterday I chose just to let her talk and to listen. And I resolved to just get to know her better. I even told her to introduce me to her mother cause I'd like to meet her. And most importantly I'm going to pray for her and her family and God's guidance on dealing with these situations when they come up.

1 comment:

Babetta said...

I find this story disturbing also. I am no fan of Tori and Dean because of the whole home wrecker thing. It is unspeakable that they have been given a reality show to celebrate their infidelity.