Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Birthday

Nathan's birthday is tomorrow. I can't believe it! My baby will be 2 years old.

I don't know who's more excited about it him or me. I just have so many memories already with him in my stomach (he used to love when I took a bath. When I'd sit in the tub he'd just be kicking and going crazy in there and he loves getting baths now). I remember seeing him in the hospital and bringing him home etc. Just so many wonderful memories in this 2 year time.

We're going to be having a party for him, nothing big just a few guests. Since his birthday is so close to Christmas I want to make a point of always separating it and making sure it's celebrated. I didn't have a party for him last year when he turned 1 and believe it or not I caught a lot of slack for that. We just wanted to celebrate it with just the four of us (Peyton was in my belly). So Sam took off of work and we started the celebration at 12:09 am (when he was born...yes he was still awoke). We let him open his gifts and I'd ordered a banner that said "Happy Birthday Nathan" that we'd hung up in his room.

After he opened gifts we went to bed and the next day we took him to the "Children's Museum" here in Cleveland and we had a blast. It was honestly one of the best days ever. He got to play all day which is great and the museum was perfect for his age. I wanted to take him to Chuckie Cheese's also that day but he fell asleep as soon as he go in the car. When we got home we got him a slice of vanilla cake which he just played with.

He literally started walking without assistance on his B-day. Now he's running and playing and being a wonderful big brother and the perfect son for us :-) I than God for him everyday.

1 comment:

Babetta said...

Children are a constant reminder that God is real. They also remind me that I am loved even when I don't feel it. As a busy working mom, it is often hard to enjoy them as much as I would like to.

I wish we could be there for the party, but kiss and hug him for us. I hope you all have a wonderful time. Make memories... Happy Birthday, Nate-Nate from your Carolina family.