I hardly ever answer the phone anymore and that's for a number of reasons, one being how people call:
"Hello (extremely sad voice), How are you?" (followed by a whole bunch of sighs, etc.)
It's so annoying!!!!! The silly part is usually when I answer I'm almost tempted to ask the person what's wrong and I'm not trying to be funny but a few times I thought I was getting called to be told that someone died or something because that's just how you people sound. There's been a few times when Sam and I and the children are laughing and playing, having a good day, then the phone rings..."(Sigh) Hello (very very depressing voice) Calling to check on Nathan."
Please people quit doing that!!!! I guess people feel it would be inappropriate to call sounding happy I don't know and maybe I can't blame you for feeling that way but my goodness, it would probably be better not to call until you can sound a little better on the phone. I mean who's supposed to be cheering up who here?
I have one friend who still talks to me like normal. Don't get me wrong she's highly concerned about Nathan and checks on him, came to the hospital several times but she doesn't come over or call all sad and you know what I LOVE talking to her, I get to hear about her children, about works etc. She still tells me about life. I just told one of my friends to please not feel obligated to call and get quiet on me, waiting for me to run the conversation. If I feel the need to talk I will but I really want to hear about your life. Have the kids been cutting up in school? Please tell me about it. Any in law arguments? I want to hear them. Believe it or not changing the subject helps me. I have this blog to write about Nathan and honestly I'm going to fill it up talking about him and I'm meeting people that are in the same situations and I want to talk to them about Rhabdomyosarcoma...but for those of you not in this situation, I so appreciate everything, the concern etc. but a lot of you keep asking me what you can do to help...well changing the subject every now and then will suit me just fine.
A time ago you said that you were able to tell how I was feeling by what I wrote, and you were glad. Now I'm glad that I can tell how you feel by reading your thoughts. Thank you. Btw, Mimi has been talking too much in school. Please deal with her!
LOL LOL LOL Go easy on her please, I used to get into so much trouble for talking in class and then my parents would ground me from talking on the phone and I had no choice but to talk in class.
Hey Toya,
Sorry but I actually had to laugh on this one. You know how usually people will read something and say "I definitely don't do that", well I read it and was like OMG that's me....LOL I can't speak for everyone but I always think I shouldn't sound to happy or constantly talk about my lil one cuz it will you feel bad or sad.(even though you know I always have a funny story or picture ready) well I guess I was totally was wrong on that one. Thanks for the eye opener. :) Oh yeah I got the car fixed too. LOL
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