Sunday, July 12, 2009


You know I've really grown to love this blogging thing. I've always kept some sort of journal but with blogging I only have time to keep up Nathan and Peyton's journals and I'll just have to print this stuff I write for them to read when they're older.

I don't really do it for the people who read it. Occasionally I'll blog about something if asked but I forget about people who read it since most of you don't leave comments. LOL I was talking to my brother and he was like "yeah I was reading on your blog the other day..." that just struck me as hilarious. And you guys always email instead of leaving comments. Which I don't mind that either. I have to remember to check my email though. Since most of you are on face book now I hardly check my email anymore. I used to check it all the time but now maybe once a day if I remember (sometimes only once a week...). So forgive me for the late responses. Blogging has become therapeutic for me in a sense. I love it. I have a mind that stays full and that's where journaling always came in handy for me. I remember being up during the wee hours of the night before-unable to sleep and would grab a journal and write down what was on my mind and for some reason that always helped me to sleep. It was like I got something off my chest. Blogging can be like that and even better at times because I can type faster than I write anyhow.

I hope I don't offend when I write. That's never my goal. But it does feel good to talk openly at times and hear your views as well, whether they're in agreement or not. I've shared good times, frustrating times, things I think are wrong, my personal thoughts, my anger etc. and again it just felt good to write it. I'm not a wordsmith. I've always preferred to write my feelings out rather then discuss them (something that tends to drive my husband crazy). But it's just how I express myself. I'm not really a big phone person, although please note I don't mind getting calls, LOL don't want that statement to be misunderstood. I love hearing people's voices every now and then but the only people I really call regularly are my buddies who I know don't do anything electronically. So writing for me as a whole is just fun. It's also great because I'm not being graded on bad grammar (and I'm sure there is a lot of it) etc. I can write and just be me.

LOL if you haven't already noticed this blog has not real point to it, so with that I'll end it here. God Bless have a great week!

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