Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Wow! What a wonderful day. First off over the last few days I was able to listen to some of the most amazing sermons on Moody radio. I think I mentioned before that my favorite woman in the Bible is Hannah. I can't wait to meet her someday. She's inspired me so much that our daughter's middle name is Hannah. But I heard some wonderful sermons on her over the last few days and her story never ceases to inspire me.

I woke up to a wrapped gift at my feet. Sam had been sick all week and he knows I'm not picky on receiving gifts yet, him and Peyton set out early this morning to get me a printer and some decorative scissors! It was perfect, he'd gotten me a photo printer a few months earlier and after printing one set of photos our 2 year old broke it. I hadn't complained and I'd just received a coupon from Archiver's to get several free prints so I figured I'd just get those for now. But Sam is amazing and so attentive and surprised me with this and it was totally unexpected.

I've been journaling for so many years and just started scrapbooking recently and I'm noticing it can be a really expensive hobby (as I can imagine any hobby can be). But I've noticed over the last few months that Sam has gone out of his way to get me what I not only need but want so I can continue doing this. So the printer and the scissors were extra special.

And he knows how much I love hearing Mother's Day sermons and was all ready to go to church but since he's been so sick and we'd just spent the day before with our mother's I told him I'd rather stay in so he could rest and we did.

It was a wonderful day surrounded by the three people who mean the most to me. I love being Sam's wife and love being Nathan and Peyton's mother.

-- Post From My iPhone

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