I've written several posts over the last few days actually but just haven't brought myself to publish any of them.
Right now I'm really struggling with something and that is the Holiness of God.
I know
I just threw a lot of you with that but I guess it hit me the other day really really hard. I was sitting and reading a book called "Traveling Light" by Max
Lucado and I came upon a part that said that the scribes used to wash themselves before they'd even write God's name (Yahweh) that's how sacred and holy that name is. Believe it or not that part in that book hit me like a ton of bricks and stopped me in my tracks and just haven't left me and it made me realize that I just don't understand how Holy God really is. If I did I wouldn't do half the things that I do.
I love the Lord. I love my salvation and it's something that's very dear to me. I dedicated my life to Christ at the age of 23 and have never been the same. But sometimes I truly don't understand how Holy God is. Does that make me any less of a Christian? I hope not. I want to honor Him and live for Him and His word provides me with all the information I need but sometimes when I'm reminded of how Holy He is it just stomps me.
I know when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary he said "Don't be afraid Mary " (Luke 1:30) He said the same thing to Zechariah earlier in Luke 1:13. The angel of the Lord that appeared to the
Shepard's in Luke 2:10 had to tell them not to fear as well. When God called to Moses from the bush he told Moses to remove his Sandals because he was standing on Holy ground. (Exodus 3:5). The lady who was bleeding had so much faith in Christ that she just wanted to touch the Hem of his garment.
Please don't feel that I'm extremely well versed in the Bible just cause I'm quoting scripture above. I'm actually just looking these verses up as I go along. But the point is that God was revered. He was seen as the Holy being He is.
I've been struggling with this because maybe sometimes we as Christians don't give Him the respect He deserves. It's as if as time goes by He becomes less and less important and even though He's just as powerful now as He was then we don't respect Him as such. And I don't know why but over the last few days this concept has been weighing heavily on my mind.
I was just reading a book called "Lies Young Women Believe" by Nancy Leigh
Demoss and I came across a quote in the book:
"All too often what passes for Christianity is not true Christianity at all. It is an impostor. And the sad thing is that most people don't know the difference." J David Hoke
In the old testament it was known that you couldn't look upon the face of God and live. He's a Holy God and we're to regard Him as such, but what does that mean?
I don't really ask a lot of people for their advice on how we're to act as Christians...truth be told I don't respect most people's opinions on the subject. Sadly I have very few role models in this area and maybe my recent posts on the Britney Spears songs disqualify me as well in some peoples eyes but how are we to act as Christians? It's something I'm praying for. The Bible is the best place to start but I remember arguing with friends long ago who made statements like "The Bible didn't say we can't listen to this music." My answer was, of course not Britney Spears wasn't around then, along with
CD's, Blue Ray,
Ipods, etc. So how in this day and age are we to conduct ourselves? And what should we consider crossing the line? Or better yet what would God consider crossing the line? Too often we look no different than the non Christians and this makes Christianity very unattractive to the people we're trying to reach.
I was struggling awhile back when watching Top model because the show really advocates homosexuality and Tyra is a big supporter if it and I know that the more people who watch the show help the ratings and keep it on the air. Anyway I voiced my concerns to one of my Christian friends and she told me there was nothing wrong with me watching it since I knew better. Was this bad advice?
I'm going back through a book called "Holiness" by Nancy Leigh
Demoss and she addresses some of these issues head on and just steps on all my toes and maybe I need that right now. I really want to be able to model Christ for my Husband, and children and for myself because I have to stand alone on judgement day.
But anyway I know this post isn't really that well written and that I could probably never understand the true Holiness of Christ but I really want to understand more. I know when I get to Heaven I'll be praising God all day and will love doing it, but I struggle with that because it seems so wonderful but why am I not doing that now? I pray a lot and when a prayer is answered I stand in awe at what God has done at that moment but then the moment fades and life continues and I don't find myself praising as much as I should.
Also if God were to appear right now and I was to live through that, what would my reaction be? Would I cry, fall to my knees and worship. What would I see?
A funny side note is as I was thinking all of this the other day it just hit me that what if one of the angels were to appear now? How scary would that be? I understand why they told everyone not to be afraid. Could you imagine just standing there and out of the blue there's this Holy being right next to you? What if you were using the restroom at that time? Do you finish or sit there and listen?