Saturday, October 31, 2009

Just stress

What do you do when life stresses you and you pray and pray but God seems silent? And you really want to tell someone what you're stressed about but you really have no one to tell? And it's sad to feel you have no one to tell especially since you have a ton of friends. I know what the scriptures say and I've literally been telling God everything lately. Just talking to him more and more (along with my hubby of course:-)

What happens when you need a getaway, yet there's no one around to help? What happens when you remain silent and your frustrations continue to mount one after another almost to the point that you're ready to snap at anyone outside of your immediate family. What happens when you don't have a support system? What happens when you know full well you're not supposed to harbor things and let your heart grow bitter, yet you feel yourself going in that direction anyhow? What happens when you want to start voicing what's truly on your mind even at the expense of losing relationships or hurting people, because you just can't be silent anymore? What happens when some well meaning people try to offer encouragement but all you want to do is tell them to get lost? What happens when your best isn't better? Just writing because I have a lot on my mind. I truly want no comments or emails on this post. It just felt good to write since I wasn't sleep anyhow.

-- Post From My iPhone

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